Ian Miller
Ian Miller really needs no introduction, here’s his website where you can find all manner of things Mr Miller and not to mention buy his original art.
Sean Manning
Sean Manning is the author of Armed Force in the Teispid-Achaemenid Empire, a must for all Persian buffs. He also runs the Book and Sword website, a veritable mine for any historian.
The Society of Ancients is a long-established international amateur society for the promotion of the study of ancient and medieval military history and wargaming the period 3000 BC to 1500 AD. It is run by volunteers for the benefit of its worldwide membership.
Excellent publisher of magazines and books for all things Ancient, Medieval and wargames.” shaped.
Seb Games
Seb built the website and webshop as well as helped with our Osmoticmeld Kickstarter campaign.
Fantasy Forge
From the heady days of the late 80s you can still buy many of the original Fantasy Forge models here.”